The Antarctic Treaty

Antarctic Treaty Signatories


Signatory nations to the Antarctic Treaty

Antarctic Treaty Signatories

The original Signatories to the Antarctic Treaty are the twelve countries that were active in Antarctica during the International Geophysical Year of 1957-58 and then accepted the invitation of the Government of the United States of America to participate in the "Conference on Antarctica" that was convened in Washington, D.C. from October 15  - December 1, 1959 to finalize the Antarctic Treaty.   These Parties have the right to participate in the meetings provided for in Article IX of the Treaty (Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meetings, ATCM). Since 1959, thirty-five other countries have acceded to the Treaty. According to Art. IX.2, they are entitled to participate in the Consultative Meetings during such times as they demonstrate their interest in Antarctica by “conducting substantial research activity there.”  Sixteen of the acceding countries have had their activities in Antarctica recognized according to this provision, and consequently there are now twenty-eight Consultative Parties in all. The other nineteen Non-Consultative Parties are invited to attend the Consultative Meetings but do not participate in the decision-making.  There is institutional interplay between the 1959 Antarctic Treaty and other multilateral agreements, particularly with regard to the marine environment.


Entry into Force of the Antarctic Treaty and Related Multilateral Agreements for the Antarctic Treaty Signatories